The Evolution of Warfare : From Stones to Atoms

Throughout history, humanity has experienced the devastating consequences of war. From the bloodshed of ancient battles to the horrors of modern-day conflicts, war has left behind a trail of destruction and heartache. But amidst the chaos and turmoil, there is still hope.
We have the power to choose peace and build a better future for all. Let us use the lessons of the past to inspire a brighter tomorrow, free from the horrors of war. Together, we can create a world where sticks and stones are the only weapons of a distant memory.

Because modern weapons are far more destructive than those used in the past and that if we continue to engage in conflicts, we risk losing all the progress and advancements that we have made and much more.

This is not an exhaustive representation of all wars, ethnicities and conflicts in history, Rather, its purpose is to remind us of a fundamental truth: war only brings suffering and destruction.

It may be obvious to some, but I still want to clarify that this is not a prediction made by AI, but rather a result of my own artistic vision and creativity. While AI is a powerful tool that aids in visual expression, it is ultimately the artist who uses it to create the final product.

so if you want to share it, please don't use false titles like, an AI predicted the future of war etc. especially on a sensitive subject like this.

For licensing inquiries, please contact me at Please note that this video is protected by copyright and may only be used with permission. Thank you for your support!

Music : Chaos - Rok Nardin


Evolution of Warfare, is now available as a 1/1 unique NFT 💎

Auction happening on foundation : Foundation page


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